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Cape Verde recipients sent letters of thanks to Liaoning International Cooperation Group Project Technical Group of Aid Buddha Hospital

Cape Verde recipients sent letters of thanks to Liaoning International Cooperation Group Project Technical Group of Aid Buddha Hospital

On December 19, 2017, the President of Praia Central Hospital of Cape Verde, West African Countries, sent a letter to the Technical Assistance Group of Liaoning International Economic and Technical Cooperation Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Guohe Group") of the Ministry of Commerce and the Foreign Aid Project Implementation Unit, commending and affirming the achievements of the Technical Assistance Project Group and thanking the Chinese Government for its selfless assistance. Fofang said that the disinfection and steaming cabinet in the hospital had been damaged for many years, lacking local accessories and difficult maintenance. After active maintenance by the Chinese technical team, it has been restored to use and is in good working condition. The project team also donated a number of medical consumables to the hospital, which provided tremendous help to the hospital.

Since 2005, Guohe Group has been commissioned by the Ministry of Commerce to implement a series of comprehensive technical cooperation projects in support of Cape Verde, including the maintenance and construction of government offices, national libraries, national auditorium and Praia Central Hospital. These projects have played an important role in improving the local public environment, guaranteeing people's livelihood and improving the quality of life. During the period of working in Cape Verde, the GUA Technical Group was highly praised by the Buddhist side for its diligence, dedication and excellent skills. The technical team also spontaneously raised funds and took the initiative to undertake the task of supplementing foreign aid labels for most of the key aid projects transferred to Buddhist side by China.

As one of the first foreign economic enterprises in China to "go out" to carry out international cooperation and undertake foreign economic assistance projects, Guohe Group adheres to "go in" in "going out", stressing integrity, dedication, general knowledge and overall situation. Over the years, it has persevered and persevered in completing a large number of projects entrusted by the Ministry of Commerce to assist Africa in a quality and quantity manner. Many projects have been called "people's hearts project" by recipients, which has played a very good role in promoting and promoting the establishment of a good image and the maintenance of profound friendship in African countries.

For a long time, China has maintained friendly and cooperative relations with African countries, actively provided assistance within its capabilities to African countries, and made great achievements in poverty alleviation, infrastructure construction and personnel training in African countries. Africa is an important pole in the current political and economic structure of the world. It is also an important direction and foothold for building the "one belt and one way". The "one belt and one way" initiative will bring new opportunities for economic cooperation between China and Africa. All kinds of economic aid-oriented enterprises which have been operating the African market for a long time will surely become the main carrier and important support for China's investment in infrastructure and public facilities projects in Africa and help Africa achieve poverty reduction and industrialization, playing an increasingly important role.